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The league


The league

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Reaching your full potential will require years of consistent effort. Unfortunately, for over 3,000 years scholars have been making the case that “human nature makes it very hard to consistently do the things that we know we should do”. Those who have studied this phenomenon include theologians, philosophers, neurologists, psychologists and researchers of all kind. You can see their work and conclusions by clicking here. What does this mean for us today? Well, you have a lot of goals - big and small. Without constant encouragement, it will be hard for you to do all the difficult and long-term steps that are required for you to live the life you dream about.

The AHL (Akwai Hero’s League) was created to bring excitement, camaraderie and prestige to the daunting amount of work it takes to accomplish big goals. In the AHL you earn ‘Competition Points’ for taking steps toward milestones and using the Akwai app to track your accomplishments. These points will help your team win matchups against the other teams - who are all battling to make the playoffs. The socialization that comes from this kind of teamwork will keep you motivated to keep pushing.

AHL Divisions

AHL Divisions allow Akwai members to compete with (and against) others who have similar goals as them. Each Division has its own leaderboard, tournaments and special events. Competitors can compete in multiple divisions simultaneously. Click the Divisions below to lean more:

Career Advancement AHL Division (Division CA)

Discovery and Evaluation AHL Division (Division DE)

Venture Matchmaking AHL Division (Division VM)

The Research and Development AHL Division (Division RD)

Growth and Scale AHL Division (Division GS)

The Heath and Wellness AHL Division (Division HW)

Altruism and Community Development AHL Division (Division ACD)

Self-Actualization AHL Division (Division SA)

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The App

The App


Akwai is a social network based around goals and accountability. It has a marketplace with thousands of Action Plans that guide you on accomplishing specific objectives. We have Action Plans for any goal you can think of – we even have Action Plans based on books, empirical articles and curriculums. When you choose an Action Plan, the app gives you step-by-step guidance on how to accomplish the goal. It also tracks your progress and pairs you with accountability partners for guided check-ins.

You have a range of goals that vary in subject-matter and importance

Those goals require diverse habits, mentalities and reactions to get accomplished

Habits, mentalities and reactions are turned into measurables and are tracked in the Akwai app

Our database has thousands of pre-made measurables that can be added to enhance your strategy

Through periodic calls, your personal coach will help you evaluate and optimize your measurables

Eventually you will find your ideal balance, gain momentum and accomplish all of your goals


The Recognition

The Recognition

The Akwai Hero’s League (AHL) is a league where Akwai app users compete on being held accountable to their goals and activities. People aspire to be an NFL, NBA or MLB athlete so they can experience the glory and camaraderie that comes with that level of competition. Akwai is replicating those feelings by establishing an ecosystem that will make your mundane activities feel just as important as scoring touchdowns, slamming dunks and hitting homeruns!

To become a superstar in the AHL you don’t have to score thousands of points like LeBron James or generate billions in revenue like Jeff Bezos. All you have to do is consistently take steps toward your goals and accomplish the milestones you set for yourself. If you can manage that, not only will you ‘live your best life’ but you’ll also; get interviewed by AHL reporters, be featured in AHL news outlets, work with an AHL agent to build your brand as a competitor, get invited to exclusive tournaments, get recruited to compete on prestigious teams, acquire a personal chronicler to create video/podcast episodes about your journey and much more!

Your team’s assistant coaches are trained professionals who serve as your accountability partner, data manager, research assistant and biggest cheerleader. They combine [a] the data generated by the Akwai app and [b] the Scientific Method to help you make systematic progress toward accomplishing any goal. During your first meetings, your coach will help you figure out what activities, habits and mindsets will help you accomplish your various goals. We then turn those activities, habits and mindsets into measurables and create a custom Akwai Action Plan for you. Each week, you’ll earn Competition Points based on your goal progress and in-app interactions. You also earn bonus points for reaching your predefined milestones.

You can compete in the AHL with a custom Action Plans or you can choose from thousands of pre-made Action Plans. Click the buttons below to see some of our most popular ones.