AHL Divisions allow Akwai members to compete with (and against) others who have similar goals as them. Each Division has its own leaderboard, tournaments and special events. Competitors can compete in multiple divisions simultaneously. Here are the 2019 - 2020 AHL Divisions:

  1. The Career Advancement AHL Division (Division CA) is for competitors who want to make advancements in their career. They will be focused on getting a raise, earning a promotion, getting hired at a different company and/or evaluating their current career trajectory.

  2. The Discovery and Evaluation AHL Division (Division DE) is for competitors who want to evaluate or reevaluate their current path and desires. They understand that these things may have been unduly influenced by social pressures (friends, family, society) and want to ensure they are living their most authentic life. Before these competitors formulate their goals, they want to explore what passions, interests and hobbies they resonate with the most.

  3. The Venture Matchmaking AHL Division (Division VM) is for competitors who want to develop their skills as an entrepreneur. It’s called ‘Venture Matchmaking’ because participants will be placed onto startup-teams based on their interests, personality, strengths and other factors. When startup-teams are formed, they will work together on a startup idea for one month. After the month is over, team members will decide if they want to continue working together or be paired with a new team.

  4. The Research and Development AHL Division (Division RD) is for competitors who are part of a startup that is still in the research and development phase. This means that the team members are committed to each other, but the business plan is not fully polished yet – or product/market fit hasn’t been established yet.

  5. The Growth and Scale AHL Division (Division GS) is for competitors who are board members, business owners, executives and employees at companies who have established Product/Market Fit. They will be focused on scaling their customer base, maximizing profit, minimizing expenses and cultivating company culture.

  6. The Heath and Wellness AHL Division (Division HW) is for competitors who are working on improving their diet, exercising consistently and/or improving mental health.

  7. The Altruism and Community Development AHL Division (Division ACD) is for competitors who are working to make a positive impact in the world. They have goals focused on building communities and/or supporting altruistic endeavors.

  8. The Self-Actualization AHL Division (Division SA) is the default AHL Division that all competitors will compete in unless their goals are more suitable for one of the other Divisions. The term Self-actualization refers to the need for personal growth and development throughout one's life. It is the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which was developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow.