Solve Problems Faster With Akwai


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Automated Self-Paced Action Plans

Teachers are busy. Lesson planning, preparing for standardized tests, grading assignments and keeping the peace doesn’t leave much time to personally coach students to success. Each student has unique strengths, weaknesses and aspirations. How can we empower our teachers to maximize their influence? Imagine the lifelong impact if teachers could meet with each student every single week?!

At Akwai this is the challenge we’ve been working to solve. With grant funding from ASU, we combed through thousands of research studies to develop a platform that can implement validated pedagogy and extend teachers capabilities. The result is our website and mobile app which allows students to track the steps they’re taking toward different goals. Each student is given an artificially intelligent virtual coach (AIVC) that asks them weekly questions and measures the development of non-cognitive skills like accountability and growth mindset. The app runs competitions where students earn gift cards (to Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy and Nike) for improving their grades, executing teacher prescribed action plans and getting their family members involved.

Starting off, teachers can choose action plans from our marketplace that has proven strategies from authors, researchers, influencers and education leaders. Principals and teachers can assign relevant action plans to an entire class and as the year goes on, they can prescribe changes to individual plans to fit student’s unique situation. Custom action plans can also be created for personalized interventions. Each week the app will pair students with a peer or family member and be prompted to provide encouraging feedback on their progress. Our data visualizations help these supporters keep students on track and the insight our artificial intelligence provides gives everyone constant feedback.

We have two Action Plan categories, Fruits and Veggies

Fruits – Action Plans that students get excited about and will complete without being incentivized. These Action Plans can be used as prizes. Examples of these Action Plans are; Be more charismatic and charming, Learn to code and build awesomeness, Become a skilled artist, Tone up or get ripped, Keep romantic relationships respectful, Be more fashion forward and dress to impress, Become more popular and social, Learn to dance like a champ and many more…

Veggies – Action Plans that may not be as desirable for all students. Family accountability and gift card incentives are used to motivate completion. Examples of these Action Plans are; Excellence in Civic Engagement, Develop a growth mindset, Improve GPA, Get funding for college, Stamp out bullying, Become a STEM Jedi, Explore extracurricular activities and clubs, Dental hygiene contest, Improve health and wellness, Cultivate financial literacy and many more…


Thanks to our amazing supporters Akwai is free for all Arizona schools! Our new app is launching this spring. Secure your start date or schedule an introductory conversation by filling out the form above.

 You can also email, call or text: / 480-382-5023