In 1987 the Turkish announced the findings of U.S. and International archaeologists, "Noah's Ark has been found!" Literally mountains of evidence has been found since then as the boat still rests on top of Mount Ararat - the exact location the Bible said it rested on in Genesis 8:4: "And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat."
Below is a video that goes into great detail about the scientific studies that were conducted on this historic site. Below the video is the website which the video came from - it has many illustrations of specific parts of the research. This topic is well documented, so if you want more information just go to a library or 'Google it.';start=142
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Scientists and Archeologist were baffled when they found evidence that confirms the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. For the first time in modern history round balls of brimstone (almost pure sulfur) were found. Whats more, they were found in and around the ashy remains of an ancient city that was apparently "torched."
Below is a video that goes into great detail about the scientific studies that were conducted on this historic site. Below the video is the website which the video came from - it has many illustrations of specific parts of the research. This topic is well documented, so if you want more information just go to a library or 'Google it.';start=142
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Located (underwater) specifically where the Bible says God parted the sea - so that Moses and the Israelites could escape from Egypt - scientists found chariot wheels, horse hooves and human bones. They also found a large pillar that is consistent with the one the Bible says Moses built for the Lord.
Below is a video that goes into great detail about the scientific studies that were conducted on this historic site. Below the video is the website which the video came from - it has many illustrations of specific parts of the research. This topic is well documented, so if you want more information just go to a library or 'Google it.';start=142
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A mountain that is clearly scorched by some kind of fire? A trail of rocks eroded by water leading to a giant rock with a split down the middle? A huge pile of rocks with ancient writing etched into them...? All located exactly where the Bible says they would be?! Could this possibly be Mt. Sinai from the bible?
Below is a video that goes into great detail about the scientific studies that were conducted on this historic site. Below the video is the website which the video came from - it has many illustrations of specific parts of the research. This topic is well documented, so if you want more information just go to a library or 'Google it.';start=142
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Instead of reading a text normally (one letter at a time), hidden words are revealed by reading the text in intervals of 2, or 3, or 4 and so on...
For example, a relative of mine has the name Joan Coombs. If we were to read this at 2letter intervals, it would read "J-a-c-o-b."
Here is an video snippet explaining how Codes are found within the bible
this is a 5 minute video snippet - to view full video click here
In the Hebrew language, Genesis and Exodus (the 1st and 2nd books of the Bible) have the word Torah encrypted in 49 letter intervals. Leviticus (the 3rd book in the Bible) has the word Yahweh encrypted in 7 letter intervals. Numbers and Deuteronomy (the 4th and 5th books in the Bible) have the word Torah spelled backwards encrypted in 49 letter intervals. This is interpreted to imply that "the Bible points to God."
Some people have exploited this phenomenon for their own monetary gain. Michael Drosnin's bestselling book "Bible Code" attempts to turn the Bible into some sort of fortune telling crystal-ball. A lot of what is in his book is false or exaggerated and raises a lot of controversy.
Honestly, exaggerations are not even necessary because the true findings are astounding enough! Watch this video then examine the Recap below.
this is a 4 minute video snippet - to view full video click here
To recap:
In the first eleven verses of the New Testament is the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Before the Bible was translated into English, it was written in Greek. In the Greek language, within these first eleven verses:
1. The number of words is evenly divisible by seven
2. The number of letters is evenly divisible by seven
3. The number of vowels is evenly divisible by seven
4. The number of consonants is evenly divisible by seven
5. The number of words that begin with a vowel are divisible by seven
6. The number of words that begin with a consonant are divisible by seven
7. The number of words that occur more than once are divisible by seven
8. The number of words that occur in more than one form are divisible by seven
9. The number of words that occur only one form are divisible by seven
10. The number of nouns are divisible by seven
11. The number of words that are not nouns are divisible by seven
12. The number of names are divisible by seven
13. The number of other proper nouns are divisible by seven
14. The number of male names are divisible by seven
15. The number of generations is divisible by seven
The rest of that chapter (and the entire Bible) has even more mathematical anomalies that are not talked about in this article. I am trying to keep this presentation short. If you would like to learn more, click the snippet's links to watch the entire video. But before you do that, continue...
this is a 5 minute video snippet - to view full video click here
To recap:
Eight chapters (written by eight different authors) in the New Testament each have their own unique vocabulary (choice of words). What is fascinating is that the number of times these words appear in the chapters is a multiple of seven. Even more interesting is that the total number of letters (of the words in each chapter) are also multiples of seven!? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, Peter, Jude and Paul are the names of the chapters. I feel God hid all these feats away in the Bible to let us know he is the true author.