
Making an Impact

Akwai isn't just software, it is an initiative focused on making a massive, meaningful and measurable impact on millions of individuals.


Making an Impact

Akwai isn't just software, it is an initiative focused on making a massive, meaningful and measurable impact on millions of individuals.

Making an Impact with Research:

Akwai has a heavy focus on converting scientific research into actionable programs because the discoveries that have been found can make a monumental impact in the lives of the American youth. It is a shame that some of the studies had to wait over five decades to be utilized, but there is no use in complaining about the past. As we look to the future, Akwai plans to use the 500+ individual research papers to effect change in five specific categories. We also take advantage of the massive amounts of data we accumulate (through AIVC 3.0 and our Portfolios) to precisely measure our impact in each area. 


Our Five Impact Categories:

Supporter Networks: Get each student’s parents, relatives and approved family friends intimately engaged in their child’s development. 

Accountability: Create a culture of accountability around each student. Establish periodic check-in systems where detailed progress updates will be distributed to classmates, teachers, counselors, principals, parents, relatives and family friends.  

Motivation: Increase each student’s motivation. Through surveys of students, parents and principals we found that students lacked interest in school mainly because they could not visualize its relevance to their lives as adults. Akwai gives hands on experience in the necessary attributes for potential career paths.

Higher Education: Increase the student’s likelihood of receiving some sort of financial aid for postsecondary education. High school graduates with full (or even partial) financial aid are more likely to continue learning. 

Metrics: Accumulate large amounts of meaningful data that will help us measure the impact of this initiative and display it in easy to understand formats.



Objective 1

Get each student’s parents, relatives and approved family friends intimately engaged in their child’s development. 

Objective 1

Get each student’s parents, relatives and approved family friends intimately engaged in their child’s development. 

Supporter Networks

We measure success 3 different ways:


The average number of adult supporters (parents, relatives and approved family friends) each student adds to their supporter network.

12 Month Goal: 4 supporters per student


The average Utilization Sub-Scores (UZ-SS) of each students’ adult accountability partners.

12 Month Goal: supporters average a 70% UZ-SS


The average Accountability Sub-Scores (AC-SS) of each students’ adult accountability partners.

12 Month Goal: supporters average a 70% AC-S


Objective 2

Create a culture of accountability around each student. Establish periodic check-in systems where detailed progress updates will be distributed to classmates, teachers, counselors, principals, parents, relatives and family friends.

Objective 2

Create a culture of accountability around each student. Establish periodic check-in systems where detailed progress updates will be distributed to classmates, teachers, counselors, principals, parents, relatives and family friends.


We measure success 5 different ways:



The average number of times adult accountability partners checked-in with each student.

12 Month Goal: 52 check-ins – each student will collaborate with at least one adult each week


The average number of times classmates checked-in with each other.

12 Month Goal: 104 check-ins - each student will collaborate with at least two peers each week


The average Accountability Sub-Score (AC-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% AC-SS


The average Endurance Sub-Score (ED-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% ED-SS


The average Utilization Sub-Score (UZ-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% UZ-SS


Objective 3

Increase each student’s motivation. Through surveys of students, parents and principals we found that students lacked interest in school mainly because they could not visualize its relevance to their lives as adults. Akwai gives hands on experience in the necessary attributes for potential career paths.

Objective 3

Increase each student’s motivation. Through surveys of students, parents and principals we found that students lacked interest in school mainly because they could not visualize its relevance to their lives as adults. Akwai gives hands on experience in the necessary attributes for potential career paths.


We measure success 4 different ways:



The average number of times students used ASU’s career pathways application. (learn more at

12 Month Goal: students utilize ASU’s application 15 times


The average number of motivation Content Pieces were opened by each student.

12 Month Goal: students read 20 motivation Content Pieces


The average number of supporter Content Pieces were opened by each student’s parents.

12 Month Goal: parents read 12 supporter Content Pieces


The average Tenacity Sub-Score (TN-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% TN-SS


Objective 4

Increase the student’s likelihood of receiving some sort of financial aid for postsecondary education. High school graduates with full (or even partial) financial aid are more likely to continue learning. 

Objective 4

Increase the student’s likelihood of receiving some sort of financial aid for postsecondary education. High school graduates with full (or even partial) financial aid are more likely to continue learning. 

Higher Education 

We measure success 10 different ways:



The schools percentage increase of postsecondary enrollment the year after graduation.

48 Month Goal: a 20% increase in college enrollment


The number of students we gave the Scholly survey to. Through Scholly each student gets matched to 100 – 200 scholarships they qualify for based on 8 different parameters (e.g. race, location, GPA etc…)

12 Month Goal: 100,000 students took the Scholly survey


The average number of college admissions applications submitted by each student.

12 Month Goal: students submit 10 applications


The average number of grant, scholarship or campus job applications submitted by students.

12 Month Goal: students submit 30 applications


The average amount of scholarship dollars earned by each student.

48 Month Goal: students average $2,400


The average amount of grant dollars earned by each student.

48 Month Goal: students average $800


The average number of higher education related Content Pieces opened by each student.

12 Month Goal: students read 20 Content Pieces


The average number of financial aid related Content Pieces opened by each student.

12 Month Goal: students read 20 Content Pieces


The average number of higher ed related Content Pieces opened by each student’s parents.

12 Month Goal: parents read 12 Content Pieces


The average number of financial aid related Content Pieces opened by each student’s parents.

12 Month Goal: parents read 12 Content Pieces


Objective 5

Accumulate large amounts of meaningful data that will help us measure the impact of this initiative and display it in easy to understand formats.

Objective 5

Accumulate large amounts of meaningful data that will help us measure the impact of this initiative and display it in easy to understand formats.


we measure success 5 different ways:



The percentage of students who got major benefits by taking advantage of their Portfolio.

12 Month Goal: 70% of students report major benefits


The average Perseverance Sub-Score (PV-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% PV-SS


The average Willpower Sub-Score (WP-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% WP-SS


The average Introspection Sub-Score (IP-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% IP-SS


The average Transparency Sub-Score (TP-SS) of each student.

12 Month Goal: students average a 80% TP-SS