Step 1

The first step in becoming a Tournament Host is understanding what the NCAL is all about. Click the button below and soak it all in!


Step 2

If you are interested in earning money through Akwai, click the button below to learn how to become a Tournament Director.


Step 3

Think about the impact you want to make. Is your Tournament-goal meant to benefit the person participating in the competition, or is the goal meant to help the participant do something that benefits others? You can browse examples by clicking the button below.


Step 4

Since a Gold or Platinum membership is required to participate in Tournaments, Akwai is able to spend up to $50 for the prize. We want the prize to be as exiting and valuable as possible. Take some time to come up with the perfect incentive for your Tournament.


Step 5

Thanks again! Just fill out the form to become a Tournament Host.