Welcome to the League


Northern Division


Southern Division


Western Division


Eastern Division


Impact has always been something that is hard to measure. Not only have we created a way to measure it, but we've turned it into a new sport! The AHL (Akwai Hero's League) is a pro league for impact. There are 16 teams in 16 cities and competitors earn points for their team by making progress on personal goals (internal impact) and by working on philanthropic community projects (external impact). Each week teams face off in head-to-head matchups where the winner is decided based on who earned the most points. Since 2014, Akwai has been creating and collecting the most valuable methodologies and processes made to help you find success in the following goal categories: physical wellness, career advancement, hobby engagement, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, mental health, passion discovery and self-actualization. The AHL Playbook is a catalog of thousands of individual activities that can be done to make an internal or external impact. Each activity is called a Play and the Playbook shows you how many points your team earns each time a Play is completed. Anyone can join the AHL, there are no prerequisites or tryouts required! You can join any city's team, no matter where you live. All activities happen virtually! You can also attend meetings, join committees, and be assigned roles – within your team and league wide.

The Playbook has thousands of things you can do on your own to make impacts but in addition to that, the league also hosts 65 different events and experiences you can do with others. Some events allow you to collaborate with group members to volunteer for a nonprofit. Some events will pair you with accountability partners and facilitate uplifting conversations. All events happen in our virtual game show studio. The virtual studio feels like a mixture of Zoom and a video game. When you login, you can walk around with your avatar-character, relax on couches, draw on whiteboards, play board games, drive go-carts and display emojis. When you walk close to someone else, their webcam feed appears, and you can have a conversation with them. This creates an immersive experience that makes it feel like you are in the same physical room. Events happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Every event you attend earns points for your team's weekly matchups and certain events allow you to earn bonus points when criteria are met. We’ve engineered a community where all your teammates benefit when you work on Plays that align with your goals and interests.


Almost any positive activity you can do for yourself or others is listed as a Play in the Playbook. We recommend doing [a] things that you already are doing each week, [b] things you find enjoyable and [c] things you want to be held accountable to doing. Because there are so many possibilities, we created a sci-fi universe as a fun and effective way to teach you the thousands of Plays you can use to score points. In the story, a new form of energy is discovered that can be generated by brain waves when humans work on productive tasks. Because of hubris and secrecy, the future of humanity has been put at risk. Now the government has declassified their involvement and has established the AHL to teach everyone how to use this technology. Because of your unique abilities, you have been asked to join the league and lead a team of scientists. Through this exciting adventure, you will visit each of the team's headquarters located in 16 cities across the country. Your in-game avatar can only make progress in the sci-fi world when you complete chapters by taking steps toward your goals in real life. Each chapter reads like a novel and there are pictures on every page like a comic book. In each chapter, you will uncover more of the story and learn new Plays that you can use in the weekly AHL matches. You may already be meeting the criteria for some Plays that you haven't yet unlocked - meaning that when you do, you'll start earning those points automatically. As you unlock and upgrade more powerful Plays, you will be able to score more points and rise up the ranks within your team and within the league.